Flindermouse Games

The flindermouse games logo, a mouse head with glowing antennae and golden butterfly wings

Welcome to flindermouse games!
For videogames see flindermouse studio. For tabletop stuff, see flindermouse press or writing credits.

Writing Credits

- Apocalypse: The Complete Game Master's Guide to Ending the World (Contributor - Scenario)
- Across the Sallow Sea: A Mausritter Adventure (Writer/Art)
- Incredible Items (Contributor)
- The Urban Wilds: One-Page RPG (Writer/Art)
- Places of Power (Contributor)
- Catacombs of the Bat Cultists: A One-page Mausritter Dungeon (Writer/Art)
- The Sundrenched King: A Mörk Borg Adventure (Writer/Art)
- Home-Field Advantage: A Compendium of Lair Actions (Contributor) Silver ENnie Award winner for Best Monster/Adversary 2022
- Charm & Chance's Jolly Jaunt through the Domains of Delight (Contributor)
- The Tower Guestbook(Contributor)
- Dragons, Delve-Ins, and Dives (Contributor)
- Through the Veil: Treasures of the Feywild (Contributor)
- The Magic Shop Catalogue (Contributor)
- 101 Bows & Ammo (Contributor)
- Vice & Virtue (Guest Writer)
- Incredible Creatures (Contributor)
- Scientific Secrets of Icewind Dale (Contributor)